WinFax v8.03 distinctive ring solution

Question: Like one of your readers, I could not get WinFax v8.03 to recognize distinctive ring even when my modem had this feature enabled. I purchased a device called RING O’MATIC , made by TGI Technologies Ltd.

This device recognizes the different rings when you subscribe to a service like the Smart Ring service your reader mentioned. In the US, some Bell providers offer something similar called RingMaster.

The device is installed between my computer and the phone line and can be set to route three different rings, regular, two short rings, and three short rings. My fax number is a second phone number on Smart Ring and this device routes all incoming faxes to my computer. It is simple to install and is very reliable.

Various stores sell similar devices. Radio Shack has one called “Ring Selector” that sells for $49.

Perhaps you could forward this to your reader.– JE

Answer: I’ll do one better and let everyone know about these devices here!

Thanks for the feedback.